Skill Score

role: software engineer

SkillScore is the assessment platform which offers users the opportunity to test their skills in various industry such as programming, data, and design. Working in a small agile team of four, this project has been first delivered to users in a month and gained more than 6,000 users overnight after launched. Try ithere!

Taking the quiz

The main feature which allow users to come in and evaluate their skills throught the set of questions. Each question has its own type such as multiple-choices and fill-in-the-blank.

See your score

See the score and level after the test and keep learning to a get better score.


To increase the engagement and motivate users to improve themselves and get a better score, we build the share feature to let users share their score on social media including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Design System

Because of limited time before the first launch, which is around one month, both developers and designers need to parallelly work on their tasks. Therefore, a design-system was created as the bridge between two teams to keep the consistency and make the codebase easier to maintain.
design system

Technical Development

The challenge of this project is to deliver the product within a short time, so we decided to use ready-to-use library and frameworks to avoid setting up large environment which could result in over-engineering.
  • Firebase Firestore - Since the data model is still simple in the early stage of the platform, we used google firebase firestore as our main database and use google cloud storage to store the assets.
  • Cloud functions - Although we can directly access the firestore from the client side, we decided to put all the backend logic in the cloud functions and use them as our REST APIs to completely separate the backend and frontend logic. This way we can easier maintain the codebase.
  • ReactJS - We created the design system and implemented it with React, styled-components, and styled-system library to keep the UI consistency.
  • ImageMagick - To let users share their scores on social media. ImageMagick library is used to dynamically create the customized sharing image of each person's score.
  • Analytics - Google Analytics, Hotjar, and Facebook Pixel are used in the website to gather data for future improvement.
Tadpol Rachatasumrit
Pakapon Kaewmark
Ekkrit Foonngern
Product Owner:
Chaiyawut Lertvichaivoravit